Tuesday, January 03, 2006

pyjama day


Like I need an excuse to stay in my jammies, eh??

DH is back at work - not very happy about it either so watch out for the imminent return of the ****wit.

But it's the last day of the girls' holidays, we have nowhere to go and nothing to do and so I've announced a pyjama day. I love pyjama days. Today is going to be relaxed, chilled out and peaceful. We're going to curl up on the couch and watch films - I've already got City of Angels and Shall We Dance lined up, to be followed by Madagascar and Polar Express. And I'm going to make banana and raspberry smoothies.

And I'm going to get on with making ~S~ birthday card - it's her birthday this month. So I've got to get cracking and get her parcel of goodies organised and despatched. After the fiasco with the post over Christmas I've decided to use UPS or DHL this time - it costs considerably more but they can deliver in 2 days. I've already got a couple of presents for her - no, I'm not telling you what they are either! Actually, ~S~ already knows what they are because I told her.

We are completely useless at keeping secrets of any kind from each other.

I had planned to get her another gift for her birthday. Her favourite fragrance is Romance by Estee Lauder and I knew she was running low because she's squirted most of her bottle over a woven choker that she made for me (so that I could smell it and think of her). So I was going to buy her the hugest bottle of Romance that I could get my hands on. And even though I had told her what else I had got her, I hadn't told her this. This was my one secret surprise. So what happened? Well, she went shopping just before Christmas with DM (that's her mother to those that haven't yet been introduced) and came back telling me about all her purchases. One of which was, you guessed, a new bottle of Romance! See how she managed to slip into my mind and pull out my surprise?

She does that all the time.

In fact, we live in each others minds so much that sometimes its a little spooky. We call it 'that thing' and its usually accompanied by lots of laughing. 'That thing' crops up numerous times in the course of a day. Even in dreams. Bear in mind, now, the 6 hour time difference between us. She's 6 hours behind me. The evening before she posted this had been a reflective evening for her. She'd been thinking a lot about the past year, and had been finally laying to rest some of the bad memories of the year. While she was reflecting, I was 4,000 miles away, sleeping. Not just sleeping though because when I woke the following morning I woke with vague memories of distant dreams; just a little too distant and vague for me to pull back into my mind. It was only when we spoke and she mentioned how she had been looking back at a particular period of the year - a period of about 2/3 months - that my dream suddenly slammed back into my head and I realised that I had dreamt about that time in her life as if I was living it. Her memories had seeped into my dreams.

I don't know what you would call this - coincidence maybe. But it happens all the time. Constantly. And every time it happens it just strengthens our knowledge that we were always meant to be together. It just took 35 years for it to be the right time.


Soulmates with bonds that go beyond this life, beyond the past and beyond the future.

So the wrinkles of yesterday are put aside, smoothed over and instead we concentrate on what matters. Us.


Blogger CycleGuy said...


12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had that dream stuff happen. Ironically with a guy! I dated some men in high school and he was my first love. To this day, I have dreams about him. They are super connected dreams and in them we share a big hug and catch up. I ask about his wife and kids.. he asks about my partner and dogs. They are wonderful. I think it's great that you two have that same kind of connection

1:03 PM  
Blogger Sasha said...

pyjama day sounds like the most fun!!!

yeah, time zones are freakish eh? i keep thinking about what my friends abroad are doing while i'm at work, going home, etc. etc...

i almost always get the shivers when i read about you and S. yes, i believe in soulmates...and i'm glad you've found each other.

1:25 PM  
Blogger Deadly Female said...

kylz - What can I say, I'm a woman and I multi-task!

cycleguy - Is that a good sigh or a bad sigh? I'm taking it as good...

one lazy lesbian - Thanks for your lovely words

sasha - I find myself having to work out the time zones for everyone overseas - I always know what time it is for ~S~, it just falls into my mind whenever I look at a clock.

angel girl - I cherish every moment that I share with her, whatever medium we use to be together. I'm just so impatient to build those physical memories too.

1:49 PM  
Blogger Evil Minx said...

Beautiful post, Deadly. I love reading about how truly connected you and S are. You give hope to those of us who need it.

La Minxxxx

2:12 PM  
Blogger Francesca said...

Sounds like a fab day in store with your girls. Enjoy the time off together.

3:44 PM  
Blogger Deadly Female said...

evil minx - Thanks for such lovely words xx

addict - It's nice to see you!

francesca - It's been a lovely day, but I'll be glad to send them back to school tomorrow!

3:48 PM  
Blogger Wenchy said...

Hope you having a fab PJ day!

4:43 PM  
Blogger Miladysa said...

I love Romance perfume - a girl can never have too much perfume unless or course she wears it all at once!

5:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I wast starting to think the soul mate thing was a myth but you've proven it is true. That makes you and ~S~ two of the lucky ones. I'm jealous! Beautiful post.

You and your friends come on over and play the Traveling Lei contest with us. It's starting to get interesting!

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy new year babe!

5:29 PM  
Blogger Deadly Female said...

wenchy - It's been a lovely pj day!

miladysa - I must admit I rather like Romance myself. I'll like it better though when I am breathing it in from her skin...

junebugg - I always believed in soulmates, I just never believed I'd be lucky enough to find mine

spexial - Happy New Year to you too, good to see you back around

6:46 PM  
Blogger pack of 2 said...

Great post! I'm stopping by via Kylz.....you did a great job on her site. I'll be back for more!


7:37 PM  
Blogger SassyFemme said...

Soulmates are meant to be, no matter the continent or life situations. You're destined to find one another, to reach out, to connect, and to be together when the time is right.

Reading this reminded me of something I read last night. The book is Finest Kind of Love by Diana Tremain Braund. An older character, Auntie Em, was talking to Molly about soulmates....
"A soul mate," she said without missing a beat, "is your lover and your best friend. They are your breath of life. The person you want to be with first and always. A soul mate sees inside your soul and loves you. It's like your lives are entwined and when you're not together it's as if part of your heart stops. You kiss a soul mate good night, regardless of how the day has worn on you. And when the passion subsides, as it does in all relationships, a soul mate stirs a passion in your heart." Molly watched as Auntie Em stared out at the sea. "A soul mate, Molly," she said very quietly, "is at one with you who are."

Hold tight to each other, finding your soul mate is the most precious thing in the world!

1:31 AM  
Blogger Lil Bit said...

Ooooooo - PJ Day! weeeeeee!!

"Destined" is a good word. ;)
Just a lovely post, DF... thx for sharing. =)

1:47 AM  
Blogger Bent Fabric said...

You're already familiar with one of my mottos, I love a woman that smells good.

Simply wonderful, DF. I enjoy reading about the incredible love you share with S.

2:10 AM  
Blogger Deadly Female said...

pack of 2 - Its nice to see you both.

sassyfemme - That just sums it up perfectly, thank you.

lil bit - Hey, stranger, its damn good to see you, I was getting worried about you for a while there!

bent fabric - Ah yes, how could I forget!

8:10 AM  
Blogger Wenchy said...

How is your foot?

9:38 AM  
Blogger Deadly Female said...

angel girl - Yes it will be worth it xx

wenchy - The foot is, I hope, knitting together nicely. I'm back at the hospital on Wednesday to be assessed - fingers crossed that surgery isn't required...

10:54 AM  

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